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Developing skills & independence Live life to the full

Developing skills & independence

Within Day Opportunities, we have a huge variety of activities available, with over twenty leisure, therapeutic learning & enterprise sessions from which to choose. Our yearly programme of sessions and outings is revised every September, with ideas and input coming from both staff and clients.

Day clients that attend five days a week can choose up to ten sessions per week. Clients have the option of altering their choices during the year, subject to availability. We have a number of opportunities based in the community, accessed by our numerous vehicles, including accessible transport - examples include therapeutic trampolining, swimming, library visits, bowling & local trips.

Occasionally, routine sessions are replaced by seasonal activities such as a Christmas party or event days such as our Summer & Christmas Fayre and Apple Day. Alternative 'eats, treats and entertainment' may be substituted on such days to enable clients to join in with others and participate fully in any special celebrations being held across the Centre. We join the Centre in celebrating special Mass days such as St Elizabeth's Day and Marie Therese Day.

Community Learning - developing skills & independence


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