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Supported Living in the Community Live life to the full

Supported Living in the Community


Safeguarding Adults policy (Windhill)

Although many of our service-users live at St Elizabeth's in Much Hadham, we have a number of residents who live nearby in the local community.

Windhill is a three story block of flats in Bishop's Stortford owned by the Housing Association, Clarion. It accommodates up to 12 adults of varying ages who have learning disabilities, epilepsy and other complex needs. There are 6 single flats and 3 double flats. This is permanent accommodation for those who live there.

The focus for the residents is to live a quality life of their choosing, to be active in the community and access the amenities in their local community for activities and events. This may include pony and trap riding, swimming, shopping, working at the farm, coffee mornings with friends and some voluntary work roles. They may also choose to visit the Much Hadham site for the enterprise projects on offer.

St Elizabeth’s provides Windhill with a team of permanent staff who are trained and skilled to manage epilepsy and learning disabilities. They have all built a strong relationship with residents who live there.

Windhill residents are supported to access all community resources to meet all of their health care needs.

Staff employed at Windhill by St Elizabeth’s receive training in epilepsy management and bespoke training, on-going assessment and updates from both community and our St Elizabeth’s Epilepsy Nurse specialist.

Each individual who lives there holds a tenancy or licensing agreement.

With consent and the assessed levels of support required, tenants are supported to pay their bills and manage their money.

The tenants meet every 6 months to discuss matters of importance to them and the staff support with the actions and requests.


To view the most recent PAMMS inspection report of our Supported Living service, please click here

To view our most recent CQC inspection report of our Supported Living service, please click here

For further information on our residential services in the community, please contact Jenny Green at [email protected] or on 01279 843451.

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