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Health and Therapy: FAQs Live life to the full

Health and Therapy: FAQs

How is Health and Therapy decided for each individual?

Health and Therapy is decided on a number of different factors, and is very individualised and unique to each person. For children and young people, the decision will be made by those involved with their care, and will be disclosed in their EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan) and other supporting documentation.

How is Health and Therapy funded?

Funding can come from many different sources including the local authority, health authority or from private income. The cost of the placement will be discussed with who funds the placement and will be based on assessed needs.

Do you fundraise for things like equipment?

Absolutely! We are always fundraising for additional equipment to use across the Centre. Examples of equipment we have fundraised for include two therapy bikes, an EyeGaze machine and oxygen machinery. For more information, please visit our Get Involved page! 

How often will my child/family member access therapy?

This again is on a very individualised basis. The decision on how often health and therapy is accessed will be determined through the assessment of need process. It is closely monitored throughout the year, and changes will be made if all involved in the individuals care feel it is necessary.

Does everyone have access to Nursing during the night?

Yes. We have a dedicated team of night staff who will closely monitor our clients throughout the night and provide appropriate provision when necessary.

Is medication administered and managed mainly by the nursing team?

Our direct care staff are fully trained in the administration of medication and are supported by our nursing team if required. Some service-users are able to manage their own medication, with support from trained care staff. The nursing team are in charge of administering controlled drugs, for example - morphine.

Can day clients access health and therapy?

Day clients have access to our health services, but do not have access to our therapy services. 

Can clients go off site for therapy?

Yes. We attend some off site therapy sessions such as hydrotherapy and equine therapy. However, we are proud to be able to offer most of our therapy on-site, using our specialist equipment and highly trained staff. 

Are clients supported by staff to attend external medical appointments?

Yes. Anyone with an off-site appointment will be supported by care staff to attend using our specially adapted vehicles. On occasions, some service users may require the use of an ambulance to attend appointments, but will be supported by care staff for the duration of the appointment.

Will I be notified if anything changes in my child/family member’s health and therapy plan?

Yes, but it is slightly different for children and young people where absolutely all changes in their loved ones health and therapy needs will be discussed with their loved one.

With regards to adults, we are governed by the mental capacity legislation so would have to carry out an assessment with the individual to determine their capacity to understand what has hanged, and their views on consulting their loved ones.

Are Health and Therapy services located on-site at St Elizabeth’s?

We are able to offer such a holistic approach to living and learning because all our services are located on one site, including Health and Therapy. Although some clients do still attend off-site therapy, we are able to meet the needs of the majority of our clients on-site, thanks to our own facilities, equipment and highly qualified staff.

Can external health professionals come to St Elizabeth’s to see my child/family member?

Yes. We hold a number of clinics on-site with external health professionals, for example diabetes, nutrition, Neurology, Psychiatry, tissue viability and chiropody services.

How is Health and Therapy integrated into the School/College day?

Every individual has their own unique timetable, which incorporates their own health and therapy sessions into the day according to their EHCP. On occasions, it may be that therapy is part of a learning experience such as vocational learning opportunities.

What training do staff have?

All of our Health and Therapy staff are fully qualified, and attend additional training once they join St Elizabeth's. We are proud to offer very unique, specialised training programmes which enable staff to provide an excellent and consistent service to all of our service users. We also offer staff the chance to attend external training in order to develop their knowledge and skills even further.


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